Favorite self-hosted gem

What is your favorite gem in your self-hosted collection? I have been loving glances, Glances - An Eye on your system. It looks great in an iframe too.


My favorite self-hosted app I’m using is probably keycloak. I have quite a few services setup, and keycloak made it easy to setup sso for all of them, so I only have to have one password, and adding others to the system much easier.


I need to check that out! You have a link?

My favorite gem that I use daily is IT-Tools GitHub - CorentinTh/it-tools: Collection of handy online tools for developers, with great UX.. I self host an instance of this and use it for all my calculation/generation issues.


Sure! This is it: https://www.keycloak.org/ It runs very well inside docker

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This is like a collection of my bookmarked sites of tools in one place! I’ll be grabbing it :ok_hand:

Oh lovely! This is like the pdf-stirling of handy IT tools.

The piece of software I use most is freshrss. It aggregates RSS feeds for the news sites I want to follow, making it easy to keep track of what I read.
On my phone (Pixel 7) I’m using FeedMe which connects to this service. It allows me to read news without being bothered by ads, as it can pull the full page and strip out the article’s content.


Yes, i always forget i’m running it though!

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Thanks for this. Really helpful for my day job.

I saw this like a month ago, and then last week I was searching for it and I couldn’t remember the name and I couldn’t find it. THANK YOU!

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I really enjoyed miniflux RSS lately. It‘s easy to selfhost and has a UI that is optimized for readability.

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I really like Grafana in my library of selfhosted tools also Nextcloud deserves a mention since i use both basically daily. Grafana i use for monitoring things at work and home and its really great piece of software


IT-Tools is so useful for my daily work. :smile::smile:

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Very useful tools. I have to set up one for me soon.

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My new favorite is Formbricks! Since OhMyForm had to give in this seems to be the most modern and well maintainer form and survey builder out there:
