Discussion on the Structure of this Forum

Hey all!

Welcome to the new /r/selfhosted Discourse community.

I’ll keep it simple here.

How would the community like to see this forum organized?

  • Monolithic, in that it has one main page where all posts are located
  • Separated into self-hosting subtopics, such as “Web Servers,” “Media Servers,” “Note-taking Apps,” etc. (essentially, turn each of the “flair” options on the subreddit into a sub-topic here)
  • A few select broader topics that try and encompass the majority of interests related to self-hosting

We also welcome any other ideas on the matter.

Additionally, we would like volunteers to help moderate this forum: Interested in Volunteering here?



Thanks for setting up this Discourse instance!

I would opt for the “subtopics” idea, as it might be easier to find older posts. It is also something that Discord was missing unfortunately.


Ditto. I think it will be easier to find and sort through posts with subtopics.

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Agree with @HansGeering - subtopics would be better suited for this sort of community imo, helps keep things organized.


Subtopics for sure. It’s the best form a forum could take as history has shown. One main page like reddit makes it harder to search through, for sure. Would love to see a feature some day where we could have a scrollable page like that, though.


the discord user theg721 is wholly responsible for the heavy lifting. I did some content editing and configured the mail-sending account.


Thanks for setting this up :slight_smile:
Regarding the question, definitely “Separated into self-hosting subtopics”.

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Awesome. Thanks for the contribution.

subtopics and categories are the best way to do it. for some ideas checkout the fedora forum. They done it well Ask Fedora - Fedora Discussion

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I support the separating into sections. My OCD likes organization. :sweat_smile:

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I agree with all the previous replies but I have a question. Does Discourse allows an “all” pages if we go with the subtopics?
I mean a page that will have (let’s say chronologically sorted) posts from all subtopics


yes, the front page will have a location that can see all the posts similar to reddit. it can be changed to be on the left or right or middle. but, it does have that. you can also just look inside a topic only.


Seems like that’s the best of both worlds then.


Since there is a button to sort by new posts from all categories, I think it makes most sense to build categories based on the post flairs in the old Reddit group. It seems it would transition well.


Thanks for setting this up. You cant please everyone but I hope that the majority will use it.



Thanks for setting this up. I agree with subtopics, either keeping them general or using the categories found in the awesome-selfhosted github as a base.


Thanks for the tip! Will look into their layout and structure. I’m still learning discourse mechanics and structure as-is.


Thanks for setting this up! I also like the idea of sub-topics, as it’d be easier to find something specific, and the nice thing about forums of having different categories.


Seconding sub-categories.

Also tangential - does anyone know of a way to bring back threaded model in Discourse posts? It’s a massive pain to have a linear feed of replies for a post and not knowing which comment is a top-level comment and which one is part of a reply.

Although I’m not very hopeful of finding any way to do this, as it is marketed as a crucial feature of Discourse. In any case, do let me know if you guys come across something.


I feel like splitting everything to subtopics would help so much in finding things that would be under one topic on many forums and ofc there could be like couple subtopics and then a general one